Hi, I am Maksim,
software tester

I am an Electrical engineer turned Software tester from Sydney.
Passionate about exploratory testing, PKM,
healthy lifestyle, learning and music.
Check out my articles, portfolio projects and social media accounts.
Let’s connect🙂.

featured image abn lookup web ui testing

05 | ABN Lookup Web UI Test Automation Examples

flatmates featured image

03 | Flatmates.com.au

featured image tavern api testing

04 | Tavern REST API Testing Examples


01 | Lifeliko Dino


02 | Aerofiler


What I Do

Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding

-Burt Rutan.

Functional testing

I am am passionate about exploratory testing and I know how to write scripted test cases too. To achieve desired test coverage I analyse both explicit and implicit requirements, use different testing techniques, test scenarios, user personas, positive, neagtive testing and testing heuristics. I love visualise testing using mindmaps and diagrams.

API / Web Services

With the rise in cloud applications and interconnect platforms, API testing is a necessity. I am beginner in API testing but I know the basics of HTTP protocol, Authentication, Authorization, API methods, API testing types and vulnurabilities. I have some experience performing simple REST web services testing using Postman and Tavern (Python plugin). I constantly improve my API skills by practicing using API tools.

Manual testing

As a manual tester, I can provide fast and accurate visual feedback. Exploratory testing does not require time-consuming planning and preparation. It gives a human perspective on the look and feel of a software product and helps to verify compliance with the defined business requirements.

Test Automation

I have hands-on experience developing web UI tests using Python, Pytest and Selenium Web Driver. I am familiar with the basics of Git and GitHub, able to use Unix command-line interface. I am also familiar with the basics of CI/CD and has experience setting up Web UI tests using Jenkins and AWS EC2.

Mobile Testing

Today, most users access the Internet from mobile devices anytime, anywhere. I can help you to check compatibility, unstable functionality and UI rendering on iOS & Android to make sure that your software product provides the best experience possible to every potential customer.

Quality Bug Reports

The key goal of the bug report author is to provide high-quality information, to help stakeholders make wise decisions about which bugs to fix. Title, issue type, priority, environment, action performed and attachments (screenshots, videos and logs) – I will make sure that all elements and fields form well written and clear bug reports.


Recent Posts

  • Create “Unique” PDF Files: Test data generation for Python Selenium End-to-End Test Automation

    GitHub repository: pdfhandy This is the first article where I finally got courage to share some code from my  first Test Automation Project. I started to learn Python and Selenium in November 2019. Since then I managed to write  a few test, but most importantly, think I’ve built some kind of foundation for scaling and improving my tests.   Probably most satisfying was seeing  a steady growth of short snippets which

  • Testing Internship Update,  Learning Python , Courses, 100 Days of Testing  Challenge

    Another short update on what I have been up to: end of December 2019 – mid January of 2020. Testing Internship Update and Thoughts on My Progress Well, I have mixed feelings on the progress of my internship. On the one hand, since the start in July 2019, I’ve been working consistently and genuinely tried to help make Aerofiler’s software product better. Every week, I dedicate one full day to

  • Reflecting 2019

    This post is mostly for me to process my thoughts and reflect on major milestones from 2019. My journey continues. A journey from no experience in testing and automation to first meaningful projects, achievements and, hopefully, first rewarding job in automation.  Milestones in 2019 Let’s have a look at my key milestones in the past year   found a mentor to help me learn testing and automation got ISTQB certification completed



Please visit About page to learn more or send me a message via contact form.