sleep smarter book

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson

Habits  that I incorporated after reading the book: no gadgets in bedroom after 8 pm, no reading in bed, go to bed before 10.30 pm. Things I learned from the book: Key factors that affect sleep negatively:  unbalanced diet (macro and micronutrients), hormone balance, lack of exposure to sunlight, not being active physically, low magnesium level, high stress level, exposure to ‘blue’ light from gadgets 1-2 hours before bedtime.   

Reflecting 2019

This post is mostly for me to process my thoughts and reflect on major milestones from 2019. My journey continues. A journey from no experience in testing and automation to first meaningful projects, achievements and, hopefully, first rewarding job in automation.  Milestones in 2019 Let’s have a look at my key milestones in the past year   found a mentor to help me learn testing and automation got ISTQB certification completed