localization translation testing

Experience Report: Localization Testing

This was my first experience in testing localization of a web app. In this blog post, I decided to capture some things I learned that I could use in the future. I included the most common types of issues related to translation, things that helped me to understand risks and expected behaviour, some useful links and examples of translation problems. Where to start 1.Understand testing mission and start asking question.

Rapid Software Testing Explored online course hosted by Michael Bolton, August 2021

This is a short overview of the 4-day online course that I took in August 2021. If you are considering taking this course, you will find some details about the course and its structure as well as my feedback about the course. Why RST If you read about software testing and/or are a member of an online community for testers (such as MoT or slack groups for testers) you probably


Knowledge management in testing

Knowledge Management In Testing   You can find some screenshots and installation instructions in GitHub repository obsidian-km-testing-kit.  This is an ObsidianMD starter kit (vault) for testers and QA enthusiasts. The main 2 goals are: Share my templates, findings and settings for ObsidianMD with other testers who also use that tool in their work. To have a handy template in the cloud for myself. When I need to start a new


My Testing Journey So Far: One and a Half Years

This is a short post where I simply list key milestones in my testing journey so far. I was planning to publish at least one blog post every month. Unfortunately due to some health issues, I skipped a couple of months. That’s why I decided it is much better to publish at least a very short article rather than delay next post for a few more months. month 0 (01/2019)

Testing Internship Update,  API Testing, Plans for the Next Month

Reflecting  on what I learned about test automation, how much testing I did in  May 2020 and my further plans.  Testing Internship Update and Thoughts on My Progress April-May 2020 turned out to be quite different from previous months. Lockdowns, social distancing and other many  things have became a new reality as we saw Covid-19 cases growing. Kids no longer attend schools, nobody knows, people around us loosing jobs, nobody

Selenium Python Tests, EC2 instance and Jenkins

Testing Internship Update,  Selenium Python Tests, EC2 instance and Jenkins, API Testing, Plans for the Next 3 Months

Reflecting  on what I learned about test automation, how much testing I did in  March 2020 and my further plans.  Testing Internship Update and Thoughts on My Progress It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog post in January 2020. It’s been extremely difficult to find time for writing. I tried to spend as much time as possible practising Python and learning new TAU tools. I also must


Create “Unique” PDF Files: Test data generation for Python Selenium End-to-End Test Automation

GitHub repository: pdfhandy This is the first article where I finally got courage to share some code from my  first Test Automation Project. I started to learn Python and Selenium in November 2019. Since then I managed to write  a few test, but most importantly, think I’ve built some kind of foundation for scaling and improving my tests.   Probably most satisfying was seeing  a steady growth of short snippets which

Testing Internship Update,  Learning Python , Courses, 100 Days of Testing  Challenge

Another short update on what I have been up to: end of December 2019 – mid January of 2020. Testing Internship Update and Thoughts on My Progress Well, I have mixed feelings on the progress of my internship. On the one hand, since the start in July 2019, I’ve been working consistently and genuinely tried to help make Aerofiler’s software product better. Every week, I dedicate one full day to

Reflecting 2019

This post is mostly for me to process my thoughts and reflect on major milestones from 2019. My journey continues. A journey from no experience in testing and automation to first meaningful projects, achievements and, hopefully, first rewarding job in automation.  Milestones in 2019 Let’s have a look at my key milestones in the past year   found a mentor to help me learn testing and automation got ISTQB certification completed