Another short update on what I have been up to in the first half – mid  September 2019.


Digital Accessibility Testing Meetup 


This time Sydney Testers  teamed up with Sydney Web Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup. The most valuable part for me was to see lots of real examples of  accessibility issues (thanks Gian Wild for great presentation). I also learned about WCAG 2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and couple of useful tools which could be used for Accessibility testing (see my resources page for links).


Selenium IDE and Applitools Eyes Test

I managed to get my Selenium IDE  test to work! In September 2019  selenium command line runner  version 3.13.0  was released . Seems like that  fixed issues which I had (viewport size and “Expected to receive WebElement but instead received EyesWebElement”).  

Next steps – write more tests utilising more complex scenarios and assertions. 


Writing Test Cases

During the last 2 weeks I found few more issues in the website that I am testing. I also made a good progress in writing  test cases. The more you practice the better your skills. I hit 100 test cases and hopefully managed to write them in a more clear, concise and logical way. 


  1. Do not spend enough time practicing test automation. 
  2. Negative thinking. It is hard to learn test automation and programming languages when you do not spend good amount of time practicing. And that demotivates to keep learning.
  3. Failed to introduce short but  regular practice sessions in my daily routine to learn Javascript and Selenium IDE. 


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