Here is short update on what have been up to in end of August – first half of September 2019.
James Bach Meetup in Sydney
This time Sydney Testers meetup brought James Bach, one of the authors of “Lessons Learned in Software Testing”, tester, consultant, coach, speaker , creator of “Rapid Software Testing” methodology. James talked about critical thinking in why it is so important for testers.
Critical thinking is a thinking with the aim of not getting fooled
Just a few random points from his presentation:
- Conflict resolution – compare feelings
- Plunge in and quit ( just try)
- Stop worrying about fixing your weaknesses
- Vulnerability contract
First Test in Selenium IDE
Since I recently focused on testing web app for the startup that responded to my post in Facebook, I decided to put off APU Testing course and picked a short course on Selenium ID. I think it would be more suitable for this kind of project. I am doing manual testing and also writing test cases. Why not to start to learn simple automation tools and techniques along the way? Found great free course called “Codeless Test Automation with Selenium IDE” by Dave Haeffner.
As it is chrome extension it was easy install and start using. Problems began when I decided to try and run tests using command line runner. It turned out that Applitools Eyes plugin for Selenium IDE has a bug.
Failed: [TestFailedError: Error: EyesError: failed to set window size!]
Although that was quite frustrating to stuck in the very beginning, it forced me to learn couple of new things trying to resolve issue. I reached out to Applitools technical support and joined Test Automation slack community. That helped to some degree. Hopefully soon I will get it working.
Nevertheless, was able to create a simple script using just Selenium IDE and automate navigation through main pages of website (kind of smoke test). I am planning to come up with more interesting scenarios to automate. I will need to choose the ones where automation can be useful.
Finally, I installed Jenkins (which also took me several unsuccessful attempts). I learned few command line commands and found several test automation websites along the way.
Progress in Writing Test Cases