Examples of using browser developer tools and knowledge of API in functional and security testing

I am relatively new to API testing so I have very little experience using API testing in real projects. However, I’d like to share some interesting findings and show how API testing skills can aid everyday testing activities. This is also a good example of how MoT and testing courses help me grow as a tester. MoT’s 30 Days of API Testing challege inspired me to write this post. “Edit

30 Days of API Testing MoT

Some thoughts, interesting links and mindmaps related to 30 Days of API Testing challenge. Links Latest 30 Days of Testing topics – The Club Latest 30-days-of-testing topics in Archive – The Club 30 Days Of testing MoT 30 Days Of testing is a series of discussions (ongoing) that you can find on Ministry of Testing Website Latest 30 Days of Testing topics – The Club. I found them very helpful.