Project Description
Date: October 2020
GitHub: link
App description: Probably, the most popular Australian website to search for shared accommodation.
Project description. I used flatmates.com.au to practice web UI test automation. I wrote around 15 test functions using Pytest and Pylenium (nice Selenium wrapper). Test parametrization allowed me to use some test functions to test multiple input combinations.
Challenging parts. The website uses lots of javascript. As a result locating a manipulating some web elements often ended up with errors or flacky tests. I did lots of research and experimentation to find the best way to locate elements and perform actions. This includes smart use of implicit waits and proper choice of web locators. This is where a course called "Advanced Selenium: Synchronization Strategies" by Alan Richardson [eviltester.com] was very helpful.
Some topics/areas learned:
- Pylenium.io
- Unix command line
- Finding web elements using inspect tool
- Manipulating web elements using Javascript
- Git, Github
- PyCharm
- Pytest