Test Automation Tools: Cypress, Playwright, TestComplete Comparison Example

In this article, I wanted to share my experience with choosing and comparing modern UI test automation tools. It is important to note that I had no previous experience implementing test automation in a QA team. I had a lot of questions when, as a team, we initiated the process of setting up a test automation project from scratch. I learned some things along the way. This post is a

localization translation testing

Experience Report: Localization Testing

This was my first experience in testing localization of a web app. In this blog post, I decided to capture some things I learned that I could use in the future. I included the most common types of issues related to translation, things that helped me to understand risks and expected behaviour, some useful links and examples of translation problems. Where to start 1.Understand testing mission and start asking question.

Examples of using browser developer tools and knowledge of API in functional and security testing

I am relatively new to API testing so I have very little experience using API testing in real projects. However, I’d like to share some interesting findings and show how API testing skills can aid everyday testing activities. This is also a good example of how MoT and testing courses help me grow as a tester. MoT’s 30 Days of API Testing challege inspired me to write this post. “Edit

30 Days of API Testing MoT

Some thoughts, interesting links and mindmaps related to 30 Days of API Testing challenge. Links Latest 30 Days of Testing topics – The Club Latest 30-days-of-testing topics in Archive – The Club 30 Days Of testing MoT 30 Days Of testing is a series of discussions (ongoing) that you can find on Ministry of Testing Website Latest 30 Days of Testing topics – The Club. I found them very helpful.

Tavern Rest API Testing Examples

Tavern API Testing Examples

Tavern API Testing Examples “Tavern is a pytest plugin, command-line tool and Python library for automated testing of APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax” (https://taverntesting.github.io/) I created GitHub repo containing 30+ simple Tavern test examples and decided  to share it on my website.  I think it can helpful for someone like me who has just started to learn Tavern  or looking for a  tool to automate API


Create “Unique” PDF Files: Test data generation for Python Selenium End-to-End Test Automation

GitHub repository: pdfhandy This is the first article where I finally got courage to share some code from my  first Test Automation Project. I started to learn Python and Selenium in November 2019. Since then I managed to write  a few test, but most importantly, think I’ve built some kind of foundation for scaling and improving my tests.   Probably most satisfying was seeing  a steady growth of short snippets which